Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
According to reports that have been examined by the writer, there is a definite need for holding students in school until graduation. Therefore, the problem in this study is concerned with finding the effects a selected group of activities have on holding male students in high school in a South East Texas area.
Developments in technology and automation are shaking the world of labor itself. They are not only responsible for raising the educational requirements for employment in general; but also, they are demolishing many of the jobs that demand skills said traditionally provide for the dropouts' entry into the world of work.
Studies show that about 175,000 girls leave school to marry and that many other young people of promising, and even superior capabilities are annually lost because they are discouraged or because they cannot resist the lure of the illusory independence often symbolized by a secondhand automobile.3 Each of last year's nearly one million drop-outs was a separate case, a separate and free will of the pupils. Few, if any of them, could have foreseen clearly the bitter treadmill of failure that awaited them upon their unprepared entrance into adult world of work and responsibility. Unskilled and immature, the recent drop-out finds himself abandoned to a huge market place where he has nothing to sell. Even among graduates two or three years out of school, the rate of unemployment holds steadily at about 13 per cent; among drop-outs in the same age range, it seldom dips below 20 per cent and frequently climbs to as high as 30 per cent.
The purposes of this study were to: 1. Examine the literature and analyze data to determine the causes for pupils dropping out of school. 2. Discover the holding power of a selected group of activities on male students in a South East Texas area.
3lbid., page 10.
Committee Chair/Advisor
C. A. Wood
Committee Member
H. J. Wright
Committee Member
E. W. Martin
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Dean, G. L. (1965). The Effects of a Selected Group of Activities on Holding Male Students in a Selected Group of High Schools in a South East Texas Area. Retrieved from