Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
As the curtain rises on the great drama of the Negro youth, the American public school system, recognizing the right of the child as the first right of citizenship, faces one of the most imposing challenges that has ever faced the nation* Modern life which tends to cheat children and limit their education, is bringing a severe strain upon the schools. If every child wherever he lives, and whoever he may be, is to be trained so that he may become an asset to society rather than a liability, the educational dollar must be squeezed so that the eagle screams for youth cause rather than against it.
Not only does the writer, because of her fifteen years of association and work with the Negro boys and girls of Smith County consider this subject important, but also because there is no evidence that any study has been made on Negro education in Smith County as a whole since 1940. The study here referred to, not withstanding its contribution, approached the problem of Negro education from a different viewpoint than this of the present writer. The writer feels that it is as important in education as in business to take frequent inventory.
Purpose of Study
This study was not made for the purpose of pointing out faults of the present system in order to criticize those who have been in the control of the schools of Smith County# The sole purpose of the study was a desire to present a detailed account of the present situation and to point out the outstanding weaknesses if they exist, in order that the school's leaders might be aroused through suggestions to efforts that would benefit the Negro youth in the entire county.
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Dansby, L. H. (1949). A Study Of The Status Of Education For The Rural Negro Of Smith County, Texas. Retrieved from