Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Music
Degree Discipline
In every aspect of educational training, the need for music education la quite evident, and any program of learning should be concerned with experiences that contribute richly to wholesome personal growth, and, at the same time, afford pleasure and satisfaction to the person involved. Education is the process of oscillating the mental powers into greater spans of intellectual growth, and certainly one of the strongest currents in this stimulated process is music.
Music education has made great strides in this planned process of training, and the perfection of it recognizes one of the most dynamic and spectacular steps that can be made in preparing for a challenging world in which to live. Music is to be treasured by the fireside of the rich and poor. It has no color, race, or restricted creed. It is the genuine expression of every human soul which frees from the bondage of a dormant, inexpressive, unrhythmical, and colorless life. Music fills with song the intervals of time and blends Itself Into the perpetual society of man so that the world is the kingdom of beautiful living.
There are some habits which need to be retained and strengthened In adult life because they offer prevocational and professional training. It Is no surprise that one of these habits is music, and the study of it should begin at an early age in the elementary grades and continue through high school and adult life. It is a comforting experience and a challenge to the future, and just how well it unfolds itself in the minds of children depends on its beginning attractions as to musical worth. Effective procedures, methods, and techniques are very important in the groundwork.
Committee Chair/Advisor
H. Edison Anderson
Committee Member
Julius B. Jones
Committee Member
Julius B. Jones
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Duval, L. E. (1959). Music Education And Its Criteria In A Space Age. Retrieved from