Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
The problem of this thesis is to study the number and nature of extra-curricular activities and their supervision in the Class "A" High Schools of East Texas.
There are several reasons why the writer chose this subject for a thesis. Chief among them is the belief that the benefits derived from extra-curricular activities far outweigh the disadvantages. There has been and still is a great deal of time and energy expended on these extra-class organizations. Some of our educators believe that too much time is wasted in this way and they tell us that such an extensive program should be reduced. Others are in favor of expanding the activity program still further. Whether or not to expand or reduce this activity program is a subject for debate. The writer however has the opinion that many of the disadvantages and criticisms arising from these programs of extra-curricular activities should be eliminated and could be eliminated by better organization and supervision on the part of the school authorities responsible for them.
Several school administrators have stated that they do not believe that they are getting all of the benefits that they should receive from these activity programs. The writer has been associated with secondary school work for many years, and during this time, has been advised by both athletic minded groups and non-athletic, non extra-class minded groups. Frequently he has been asked what benefits are derived from the activities by the participants. He has often told these inquirers that there were supposed to be certain advantages derived from these activities but the ends had not been achieved. It is reasonable to suppose that no program such as this can function as it should unless it is thoroughly understood and competently supervised. It Is not uncommon to find a school attempting to carry on a program without either organization nor supervision and still wondering why the program is not successful.
This study includes fifty-five high schools that are known as Class "A" in the terminology of the Interscholastic League. It is limited further to the study of their programs of extra-curricular activities. In scope, this study will cover the number and nature of these activities and the methods controling them. The study is further limited to the school year of 1948-1949.
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Dansby, C. B. (1949). A Survey of Extra-Curricular Activities in Class "A" High School in East Texas. Retrieved from