Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Speech is the most vital means of communication, by far the most important tool of thought by which our ideas and personality are expressed. Speech is not taken for granted, today, because it has been shown how inhumane it is to neglect children with defective speech. It is evident that, for all children, handicapped or not, there is little that is given them that can enrich their lives more fully than clear, effective, pleasant speech. Today, a person's inability to speak is a great handicap. Fay Adams relates:
While good speech has special value to the group as a whole in providing a medium for understanding and cooperation, it has particular value for the individual in helping him establish his status in the group; often the individual who expresses himself easily and well gains a sense of security and recognition which increases his personal adjustment.
There are times when a pupil is not able to express himself as convincingly even though he is equally as intelligent as others. The pupil's performance in the classroom, on the playground, on the street, at social gatherings, and even at home determines his success or failure upon his ability to present ideas quickly and with ease. This also determines whether he will be a follower or leader of his group.
The spoken word remains for the majority of Americans, the principal channel of receiving and giving information and exchanging ideas and feelings. It has been estimated that speech is the basis of 90 percent of all communication, leaving 10 percent for writing and reading. By this, it can be seen that speech should demand a greater 3hare of attention in the school curriculum. Blanton has revealed that the most vitally important years for the training of speech are the first five years of life, during the period in which the child i3 learning to talk. As the child grows older, habits become set in the speech mechanism, and the possibilities of good results decrease, but, since growth ceases only with death, even the adult is not hopeless of modification.
Committee Chair/Advisor
D. I. Burdine
Committee Member
D. I. Burdine
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Reynolds, L. M. (1950). A Diagnostic Study For The Correction Of Speech Defects Found In The Colored Elementary School Of La Marque, Texas. Retrieved from