Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
A generation ago it was customary to regard the development of intelligence as one of the cardinal aims of education. It was taken for granted that education served not only to train the individual to perform specific acts or to see to it that he acquired certain items of information but also to increase his intellectual power so as to make him a better thinker. By so doing it would train the mind of the individual to become a more effective tool for the performance of any intellectual task to which he might turn his attention. Not many years a prominent psychologist declared that the chief function of education is the selection rather than the development of mental ability. The high school and college graduate, he said, is superior to the person whose educational career has been out off at an earlier point, not because educational institutions have made him superior but because they have noted as a sieve, sorting out those of weaker intellect and eliminating them in the earlier grades, and retaining those of high or native capacity until they have reached a higher grade level. According to this reversal of the traditional aim, education does not improve intelligence. In other words, intelligence is something a person is born with and education merely serves to give skill and information. This thesis is the result of an attempt to study the relations of the home environment to the general intelligence of the individual. Technically, it is a study of the relationship between socio-economic and general intelligence.
Committee Chair/Advisor
H.A. Bullock
Committee Member
H.A. Bullock
Prairie View University
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Gaston, J. L. (1946). Relation Of Socio-Economic Status On General Intelligence. Retrieved from