Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Agriculture Economics
Broiler raising has developed into a highly specialized industry, marked by narrow margins of profit per bird. This does not mean that broilers cannot be raised as a small backyard enterprise as a means of providing experience and occasionally some profit. However, profit is important whenever one is considering the production of broilers as a main enterprise to yield a considerable portion of the farm income. Broilers have been raised in Walker County for six or seven years without any investigation being made as to the economics of their production; what practices can be applied in relation to economic gains; and what price must a producer receive in order to make a profit from them. Volume is essential for proper income, and housing, equipment, and management methods must permit one man to care for a large number of birds. Broiler raising is not nearly as speculative a venture as it has sometimes been represented to be. In fact, for the very large proportion of growers who operate under a contract, arrangements with a feed dealer or processing plant, the element of risk, in as far as it applies to a current crop of broilers, has been removed. While prices received vary considerably only rarely does it go below the cash cost level for the efficient producer. Cash cost includes feed, fuel, litter, and chicks, but does not include labor and overhead. The economics of broiler production depends upon efficiency in management and keeping cash costs down to a minimum where the most economic gains may be received. It is the intention of the writer to find out what conditions if any, affect the economics of broiler production in Walker County. It is hoped that these findings will prove valuable in the production of broilers and stimulate further investigation.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. M. Coruthers
Committee Member
R. W. Lewis
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Miller, J. L. (1956). An Economic Study Of Broiler Production In Walker County, Texas. Retrieved from