Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

Degree Discipline



The problem underlying this study is posed in the following questions: What is the present progress of the veteran trained in improved practices of agriculture? This problem resolves itself in the following subordinate questions: 1. Should there have been time limits and was the time limit properly alloted to the veterans advantage? 2. What did the trainee do who completed the course, left the farm or remained on the farm? 3. Why did the trainee completing the course, leave the farm or continue farming?

The writer is interested in making this study as a future aid to the Hunt County Board, Coordinator, County Superintendent, the citizens of the county and to himself, since he was the pioneer instructor of this class.

This study cannot be considered an end in itself, but is only concerned with the findings which will serve as a guide for future veteran programs in Agriculture at Hunt County.

Committee Chair/Advisor

E. M. Norris


Prairie View A&M College


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View




Page 60 follows Biography on page iii; pages 3 and 4 are reversed



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