Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Business Education
Degree Discipline
Automation will definitely affect business education and the business educators. Of course, the recognition of the impact and significance of automation appears to be slow among business educators. If the business educator is to meet the challenges of technological improvements, which bring about changes, he must keep abreast of the developments that affect business education and must evaluate these developments. Business educators must engage in more intensive and extensive endeavors to understand what is currently being done and what the future implications are in an automated machinery system. The field is still new, expansion is rapid, and the costly business of automation may ultimately have a resounding impact upon business education. Therefore, business educators should begin immediately to resolve the vocational education problems resulting from the change in the way routine clerical work is being accomplished.
Purpose of the Study:
This study, "The Effect of Automation on Business Education," was undertaken in order to clarify some of the business education complications and implications arising out of automation, and thus help those concerned deal more successfully and easily with increasing automaticity of production facilities.
Scope and Nature of Study—Limitations and Areas Included:
Because of the educational background and experience, the writer has had and for the interest of readers, this exposition shall be limited to automation as it applies to business education. The exposition will deal particularly with the clerical phase of business education training-- secretary, stenographer, typist, salesman, file clerk, accountant and bookkeeper, managerial, and machine operator-- with respect to today*s business office rather than dealing with long-range implications. The business teacher will also be discussed since it is her duty to help train business graduates for industry. Automation in industry will probably cause the business education curriculum to undergo certain changes; therefore, the writer feels that the exposition could not be complete without making suggestions on course changes in the business education curriculum.
Prairie View A & M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Johnson, J. M. (1961). The Effect Of Automation On Business Education Training. Retrieved from