Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Physical Education
Degree Discipline
Physical Education
The earliest forerunner of Modern Physical Education was undoubtedly a matter of learning and applying skills of survival. To a greater extent than is ordinarily necessary today, men of the past dealt with life on a physical basis, thus, education for life was to a large extent a kind of physical education, which accounts for the contention that physical education is the oldest form of education. Colonial and pioneer schools were designed solely for "mental education." This was partly due to then-current religious beliefs which greatly retarded the development of any type of play in the schools. This belief held that play if it existed at all, should be reserved for after school and holidays. It also taught that "chores" and work would be sufficient for any physical development. Physical educators have in their history and in their future a great challenge and responsibility. The modern labor-saving devices which have eliminated many of our physical activities and made the working day much shorter have confronted this generation (and future generations) with the great possibility of physical weakness or "softness." And all indications are that this country will continue to become more highly mechanized with each passing year. As this happens and the working day is continually shortened, there will be less actual need for physical exertion. With this decrease in activity, nervous tension will increase. Nervous tension and the lack of adequate physical activity are great contributors to the rapidly growing rate of disease of the heart and blood vessels.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Norman Johnson
Committee Member
Curtis Wood
Committee Member
Curtis Wood
Prairie View Agricultural And Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Kendall, J. E. (1964). The Apprasial Of the Physical Education Program in the 9th District Of Arkansas. Retrieved from