Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Home Economics
Today the home economics program is challenged. The writer felt that there was a need to know to what extent home economics graduates were teaching in other fields in order to make suggestions for both program planning and teaching methods which might be adopted in the learning period. This investigation was begun during the summer session of 1951 and was finished in the summer session of 1952. The study was designed to discover factors which influenced the acceptance of jobs out of the fields of homemaking and to find out what the home economics graduates were doing for livelihood other than the teaching of homemaking. To discover if the year of graduation influenced to any degree the choice of the selected vocation was an additional aim. There is a definite shortage of personnel with advanced training in the field or home economics. The growth of such a profession brings the need for an effective recruitment program in order to interest an increased number of capable girls to enter and remain in this field. Many studies have been made in attempts to determine the factors which influenced students to enroll in the home economics curricula and to analyze such factors as a basis for an effective recruitment program. Students are the major focus of higher education. Their growth and the development of their potentialities for self-realization, self-direction, and responsible group living, of which family living and citizenship are two important aspects, are outstanding goals. Prospective students usually need help in defining their own purposes and abilities in relation to the offerings of an institution and its departments. Emphasis in recruiting home economics students has often focused on these interests for those majoring in one of the professional curricula. Two other groups should be considered in a recruitment program; those who elect home economics courses for purposes of general education and those from such other curricula as occupational therapy, nursing, elementary education, and in addition those who take home economics courses to supplement their specialized training.
Committee Chair/Advisor
E. M. Galloway
Committee Member
H. G. Hendricks
Committee Member
D. M. Ellis
Committee Member
P. E. Foreman
Committee Member
L. M, Burns
Prairie View Agriculture and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Ruthledge, H. E. (1952). Home Economics Graduates Employed In Other Fields In Texas. Retrieved from