Problems Confronting Band Organization In The Small High Schools With Suggested Solutions
The growth of high school bands during the past twenty years has had special significance for music education. It Indicates that these organizations have a strong and direct appeal for young people which stimulates them to spend hours practicing and rehearsing in school and out. It signifies that this experience gives them pleasure and is vital to them. These emotional young people discovered the orchestra and band as an outlet for personal expression that stirred their entire being.
At first, educators and administrative heads were hesitant in accepting the educational values of school bands. These had always been extra-curricular, They were noisy and expensive, but with the pioneering of a few guiding spirits and the immense improvement in the organization, the musical, social, and educational values became apparent. This type organization makes a definite contribution to the life of the student, the school, and community.
The school bands today give those students who practice vital to them. They were noisy ipate an opportunity for a finer, richer, cultural and emotional life, Filled with enthusiasm and bubbling over with physical and emotional energy, they are provided, in the playing of beautiful music, with a wholesome and controlled outlet for this energy and with a mental and spiritual training of the highest value.