Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Physical Education
Authorities generally agree in developing the curriculum in many schools, health and physical education, occupy a position of relatively less importance to other subjects in the total school program in respect to class scheduling, time allotment, and testing and evaluation. The physical education teacher is sometimes accused of not asserting himself in matters concerning curriculum, thus contributing to this position. The coach Is often guilty of placing the importance of some other duty before participation in curriculum construction which lessens his influence in matters of curriculum development.
If physical education is to assume an equal position of importance, the coach, the physical educator, and the health teachers should participate in curriculum development, and strive to make the program strong in aspects of instruction and evaluation, which are two major factors in justifying the existence of health and physical education program.
If a program does not measure up to the standards it sets, the inevitable conclusion to be drawn is that it is not worth-while. Its worth can be proven, however, through a comprehensive criteria for evaluation, based on an ideal program and the objectives set up for the health, physical education and athletic program of the school being evaluated.
The I. M. Terrell High School does not have such a program as shall be proposed by this writer, whose objective will be, to evaluate the present program in light of the objectives set up for the program that exist at I. M. Terrell at present.
The I. M. Terrell High School was the only Negro Senior High School in Fort Worth until the beginning of the 1954-55 school year, when three of the five junior high schools became senior high schools by retaining their highest grades for the next three years.
With the acquisition of more Senior High Schools in the community a greater need is now felt for a good program of Health, Physical Education, and Athletics for all the high schools concerned. In order to meet this need, a more concentrated effort for improvement must be made through unbiased evaluative procedures.
The I. M. Terrell Senior High School has an enrollment of seven hundred and seventy-three students which are now drawn from two junior high schools in two neighborhoods. One on the South side of town where the residential area seems to be quite adequate, economically and socially, and a number of the professional people live. The other Junior High School is located near the East end of the down town area and seem to have fewer professional people in its residential area, but a large housing project increases the number of people in the average Income bracket.
We receive approximately the same number from each Junior High School, and the competition within the school is very keen between the students from these two Junior High Schools.
The curriculum includes trades and distributive education. These students are not required to take physical education because of scheduling difficulties. All other students are required to take health and physical education one hour daily, five days a week.
Committee Chair/Advisor
W. J. Nicks
Committee Member
William T. Greene
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Jones, M. T. (1956). Criteria for the Evaluation of Health, Physical Education and Athletics at I. M. Terrell High School of Fort Worth, Texas. Retrieved from