Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Music
Degree Discipline
The study of music originated from the effort to prepare children to understand better and enjoy music as a whole. Through the teaching of music in Fidelity Elementary School, the children are showing an unusual gift for music through music reading, interpretation, creative expressions, rhythmic development, dramatization, mood singing, and music notation. The course of study in music is, to begin with, the whole, living, experiencing child growing in a rising spiral of enriching experiences. Music is not a marginal phenomenon; nor is it intelligible to only the gifted few; it is rather an approach to human experience that is open to all.
All school children possess the capacity for learning music, proving the desirability of providing opportunity as a part of the general education program.
The music program of Fidelity Elementary School is planned for every child in the school to learn to read some phase of music because music is the key to an understanding of its treasures. Music will play an important part in the cultural pattern of the future of the child.
The purpose of this study is to present an analysis of the music program of the Fidelity Elementary School, Houston, Texas, with the intention of showing the possibility of using music to contribute to the fullest cultural development of school children, the right to explore and develop hie capacities in the field of music in Every child has such ways as may bring him happiness and a sense of well being, stimulate his imagination, and stir his creative activities. Through the music program, every child will have the opportunity to make music through being guided and instructed in singing, in playing instruments both alone and with others, so far as his powers and interest permit. Today, as the writer sees it, everything must contribute to making a child a part of the democratic way of life. The child must be able, as he grows, to take his place in the life of the community culturally, emotionally, and vocationally, Music is one of the great aids to his cultural growth and development for good community living. Music material is presented in the Fidelity Elementary School which, by its depths, intensity, and elevation, as well as its revelation of a buoyant spirit, shall produce significant reactions in our young people, reactions which contribute to the total development of the child. The program aims to give boys and girls the chance to develop their special interests as a part of their school work. This is being made possible by eliminating study periods, and by using the time to devote one-third of the daily class periods, three out of nine, to music.
Committee Chair/Advisor
R. Von Charlton
Committee Member
E.W. Cullis
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Frazier, L. J. (1951). A Revision Of The Music Program Of Fidelity Elementary School, Houston, Texas. Retrieved from