Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Agriculture Economics
The need has long existed for a simple but comprehensive u guide that can be used by County Agents, Adult Community and Subject Matter Leaders as well as Four—H Club members in the selection of projects. This guide is prepared in an effort to meet this need by pointing up the necessary steps in selecting projects in their sequential order. All persons concerned with the success of the project must know what his or her part is and how to best fit into the whole operation. Plans must be made for continuing the project and developing the individual mentally, morally, physically, and socially. Sufficient attention must be given to such areas as financing and supervising.
A. Statement of the Problem
In the development of a guide for the selection of projects in Brazoria County, the writer wishes to answer the following questions:
1. Why should Four-H members be guided in project selection?
2. Who should help Four-H members select projects?
3. What are some problems involved in project selection?
4-. What are some improved practices that should be carried out in connection with Four-H projects?
5. What are some examples of projects that may be carried as by Four-H club members in Brazoria County?
B. Purpose
The purpose of this guide is to focus attention on the problems involved in U-H project selection and to draw together in simple form a guide that can be used by persons concerned with project selection in Brazoria County. The chief concern here is to help the individual to select projects that will be interesting, educational in nature and profitable. If 4-H members are to gain knowledge and skill it is necessary for them to start where they are, rather than to start with a very difficult project. Projects requiring the least amount of knowledge and skill should be chosen for beginners. Projects requiring large sums of money or many supplementary skills and improved practices are generally less satisfactory. In the same manner, advanced U-H members should be led to carry more complicated and more profitable projects that may be developed into lifetime enterprises. Each successive project should be a stepping stone to the next one in skills and practices as well as in financial assistance. In order to choose a project that will be a challenge to the 4--H members and to all concerned with the completion of the project, it is necessary that the best of guidance and cooperation be provided. The 4--H Club member ^iould be present because it is he or she who will be responsible for carrying out detail steps in the project. Parents or guardians should help 4--H members to select projects because this experience should be a joint undertaking, hence, each concerned in the undertaking should have a voice in planning the same. Parents or guardians need to help select projects because they are responsible for financing as well as offering moral support to club members. Guidance in keeping and preparing records necessary for reports is also a function which can well be done by parents or guardians, with the help of the local adult leader and the county agent. Four-H Community and Subject Matter Leaders should help because they are able to give helpful suggestions and by helping in project selection they will know what information and supplies are necessary to carry to completion the project started. These leaders can plan meetings as demonstration projects at which time method demonstrations can be conducted and the progress of the project observed. Local lay, and professional leaders who are interested in special fields may be very helpful and could best serve if they were a part of the planning procedure. The county agent should help with, the planning because he or she has technical knowledge and experience and should be helpful, useful, and desirable in project planning. County agents are the official representatives of the United States Department of Agriculture and the State and Federal Extension Service responsible for passing on and interpreting the findings of the Experiment Stations to persons not enrolled in resident colleges.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. R. Powell
Committee Member
J. W. Echols
Committee Member
George H. Stafford
Committee Member
J. C. Williams
Committee Member
0. B. Johnson
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Hubbard, H. L. (1955). Guide For The Selection Of 4-H Projects In Brazoria County. Retrieved from