Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Degree Discipline
His movement for farm labor unions In American agriculture Is comparatively new In Texas and the Southwest. The development of unions In the field of agriculture has had a revolutionary effect upon the agricultural system in the Southwest, The growth of labor unionism in American agriculture is the only hope for the farm laborers, The old landlord and plantation system are enemies to the mass of the farm laboring groups. There has not been a complete departure from the plantation system, the Southwest end the South as a whole have not accepted the movement of labor unions in agriculture for the same reason that the South has not accepted organized labor in trade and industries. They feel that it Is a program of social revolution of the whole farm labor system In the South. As the nation comes into the realization that the South and the Southwest is taking a rightfully won place in the nation as an agricultural empire, the problem of labor unions in agriculture gains new emphasis and will create a new problem for the landlord of the South and the Southwest as a whole.
Statement of Problem
It is the problem of this study to learn what has prevented the development of farm labor unions among the sharecroppers, tenants, laborers, and workers in allied industries in Texas and the Southwest. Also, it is the problem of this study to discover what has been the character and the leadership of these fern labor organizations. There will arise many questions as to what benefit will be derived from such a movement to organize farmworkers in Texas and the Southwest. Why have these movements been rather abnormal and transitory? Why have these movements been composed of literally hundreds of organizations that have been short-lived? These and other allied questions will be answered in this study.
Committee Chair/Advisor
G.R. Woolfolk
Committee Member
A. B. Mills
Committee Member
A. B. Mills
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Clark, B. F. (1949). The Development Of Labor Unions In Agriculture In The Southwest With Special Reference To Texas 1929-1941. Retrieved from