Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Degree Discipline
Physical Education
There is no institution in contemporary life which has greater opportunity than the school to strengthen and enrich the democratic tradition and the democratic way of living. The consistent faith of the American people in the values of public education places directly upon all education the obligation to assume this responsibility.
The Secondary School is but one period in the educational life of the child. If it is to meet their needs, education for the pupils must be based upon recognition of this stage of growth as a developmental period in its own right, not solely as preparation for adult living. It is essential here, as at all other levels, that those who are concerned with the developing individual have an awareness of the problems confronting him and an understanding of the many new purposes that cause his ways of behaving. It is the function of the Secondary School, therefore, to give each individual as wide an appreciation of the meaning of his life as his native capacity will permit, guiding him in the learning not only of the skills necessary for work and play but in the acquiring of those attitudes and habits of action which show understanding of democratic living.
Originally, there was no physical education in the high school. It went on in the vigorous play and the hard work at home and the community; that is, in tie stunts on the natural apparatus of the environment, in the chasing island fleeing games, in the swimming and the hunting, in activities stimulated by the activities of parents, in running about, in the arduous walking and riding getting place to place, in the work of the home, etc. These activities went on through most of the working Hours, during practically three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, and all through childhood and youth. The functions of the school were chiefly to teach the written language. This situation during the last years especially has changed radically. The school has made new demands on children's time. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to give the function and role of physical education in the Secondary School and to work out a suggested program for I. M. Terrell High School, Fort Worth , Texas.
Committee Chair/Advisor
William J, Nicks
Committee Member
George Bynum
Committee Member
George Bynum
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Ackerman, Sr., B. G. (1947). Physical Education And Its Function In The Secondary School With A Suggested Program For I. M. Terrell High School , Fort Worth, Texas. Retrieved from