Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Degree Discipline
Arts and Science
The introduction to this treatise Is bettor expressed perhaps in the words of Homer C. Hockett. "Who so ever by literary arts can lend new charm to a twice-told tale has no need for further excuse for telling it. He who essays the oft-repeated story of the Declaration of Independence must use art to win the praise of those who know it so well. An accurate impartial and clearly stated summary of the findings of historians must be the aim. If these ho sot forth with skill enough to contact readers into acre intimate acquaintance with the story of the Declaration of Independence, it is well. In writing the story of this memorable event, the author's intention is not to contribute new facts to this well-told story but to shape it in such a way as to fully emphasize relations of causes and effects that are so often buried in the voluminous masses of detail. One is constantly tempted in such a narrative to pause for discussion and to add item upon Item of circumstantial description because it is interesting In itself but In this story, it was necessary to withstand such temptations. In treating this subject, the author has not attempted to mention all events concerning the Declaration of independence, but only those considered more important which bear directly upon the subject. Another reason for writing this treatise is because of a very personal interest in the subject with the hope that my graduate study in history will offer the opportunity to enlarge and project tho topic with all the care and thoroughness of a scientific research worker. The author has endeavored to set forth step by step, the events end causes of the Declaration of Independence, beginning with the close of the war in 1768, known as the Seven Years War in Europe and the French and Indian War In America. The social, political, and economic conditions have been traced with accuracy of statement and clarity of expression. Furthermore, the author has attempted to furnish Information that will acquaint the reader with an understanding as to why the colonies resented the treatment of the mother country toward them. How the British Government through an economic policy influenced by the mercantilistic idea looked upon the colonies as mere feeders of the British trade and how the British Parliament Influenced by the same mercantile idea felt supreme over all British possessions and attempted legislature to establish such supremacy over colonial trade. Acts prohibiting colonial manufacture acts restricting colonial trade acts regulating colonial industry and life, all indicative of the attempt to establish its supremacy, were passed.
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Whiting, N. E. (1935). Colonial Complaints Against Great Britain As Set Forth In The Declaration Of Independence And Their Justifications. Retrieved from