Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Within the past ten years, the educational program has undergone many changes. The school has come to realize the importance of the distinction between the mastery of school tasks and the learning that takes place outside the school, and the wise schoolmaster has come to see that both he and his teachers are not fulfilling their true function as instructors, guides and councilors of the youth unless they all help to organize and direct the many leisure activities of the pupil. The result of this new vision has been that the function of the teacher is changed, her responsibility has been broadened, to include the whole child. "Extra curricula activities have gained recognition among educators as a vital part of every school program intended to train the pupils to take their places in the democracy of the social order. Their place In the program is the result of a changed viewpoint as to what the aim of the school should be. An entirely new interest in the extra-curricula activities of the youth has been taken over by the school, and the attention of the world is directed a new interest to the youth, as the hope of civilization. There has been a fortunate change in attitudes, and all new tendencies of action have arisen, new emotions begin to sway youth, new ideas as to life begin to be formulated, and tends to become fixed, and serious thought is given to the conduct and qualities of teachers. Social attitudes and tendencies of importance in later life are inclined to become fixed through these activities. The rule of the group tends to become the rewards of regular school credit. Within the past eight years, the general social condition of America has increased the importance of extra-curricula! activities to the extent that the schools of the country have been forced to a greater degree to place them in the program of the schools. The purpose of this paper is to show that the extracurricular activities are developing to the extent of showing increasing importance to the rural as well as the urban school children, in helping them to live a less burdensome rural life.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. L, Irving
Committee Member
J. L. Irving
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Lofton, P. A. (1937). The Value Of Extra Curricula Activities In Rural Schools. Retrieved from