Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Degree Discipline
Although widely used the term Extra-Curricular Activities is misleading. Its origin dates back to the time when the purpose of the school was conceived to be to teach the subjects contained in the program of studies. Good teaching was understood to be to teach a combination of skills. The recitation method was the accepted procedure. Such student organization as were in existence were looked upon in addition to the curriculum as serving another purpose and hence were extra-curricular activities.
The school has come to realize the important distinction between the mastery of school tasks, and the training that takes place through extra-curricular activities. The wise school master has come to see that both he and his teachers are to help organize and direct the many leisure time activities of their pupils and community. The result of this new vision has been that the function of the teacher is both changed in direction and greatly enlarged in scope, and that a new conception as to the possibilities of the school has come to characterize the teaching profession.
One who believes that secondary education should give preparation for all the desirable activities which adults face will favor extra-curricular activity organizations; for in striving to organize the curricular in such a way as to be the most beneficial to the greatest number there is likely to be many omissions. Some of these omissions will affect a few pupils; some will spring up to make good these deficiencies. A vital interest may be stimulated through these "Five special techniques that may be used in building an extra-curricular activity program for a small rural high school", as suggested below: (1) Through the initiative of the teacher, (2) Through the initiative of the pupil, (3) Through the initiative of the teacher and pupil, (4) Through the initiative of the community, (5) Through the facilities of organized control.
Committee Chair/Advisor
T. G. Laster
Prairie View State College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Brown, R. J. (1940). Five Special Techniques That May Be Used in Building an Extra-Curricular Activity Program in a Small Rural High School. Retrieved from