Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Arts and Science
The studios of rural society are greatly concerned with the problem of rural education. It was during the pursuit of a course in Rural Sociology that the author became much interested in the consolidation movement and curious to know just how the consolidated schools functioned, and how the communities from which schools were moved were affected by the consolidation, especially as related to the Negro race. The purpose of this study is three-fold First, to furnish further information on consolidated schools. Second, to establish some facts which might be used as a basis for planning. Third, to give a functional conception of the Consolidated Negro schools in Waller County, by pointing out some of the advantages and disadvantages that exist in them.
It has long been a matter of common opinion that the opportunities for education offered to rural children by the one-teacher or two-teacher school are limited and much inferior to those offered by city children. The rural or district school arose originally as a local community undertaking. In New England, it arose as a part of the struggle for district rights, as opposed to the control of the old central town. The schools were greatly influenced by periods of agricultural development. As machinery and farm practices improved, greater demands were made upon schools for improved instruction. By the close of the third period of agricultural development, the shrinkage in rural population began to have its effect upon the schools, creating another problem in rural education Problems of the One-Teacher School. Without a doubt, many of the problems of rural education are tied up with the smallness of the geographical and population units served by many rural schools. The ordinary one-or-two teacher school is not large enough to command sufficient equipment, a light enough teaching load, and rich enough offering to give the efficiency possible in larger schools. Other problems are low salaries of teachers, poorly trained teachers, insecurity of teachers (due to poor salaries, political spoils, and lack of teacher retirement plan), and inadequate educational facilities for the handicapped child.
Committee Chair/Advisor
A.C. Preston
Committee Member
H, A. Bullock
Committee Member
H, A. Bullock
Committee Member
H. E. Wright
Committee Member
E. M. Norris, 0. J. Thomas, B. S. Luter
Prairie View State College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Thomas, B. A. (1942). A Study Of The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Consolidated Negro Schools In Waller County, Texas. Retrieved from