Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Arts and Science
Corrigan is situated in Polk County on the Southern Pacific Railroad. Phis community is somewhat hilly and surrounded "by large wooded areas. It consists of black and sandy soil. About three-fourths of the people own their homes and farms; however, there are a few tenant farmers. One-half of the homes are modern with running water and electric lights. The streets are also lighted. The chief source of income is from working in a sawmill, some of the people work on the cotton farms and others on truck farms. The raising of tomatoes is the sort of agricultural development that means much to the community. Crops other than cotton are; melons, corn, peas, and potatoes. The people raise chickens and have good gardens. Cattle raising and sheep raising on the lands nearby represent other sources of income. Some of the people work on the farms, on the railroad, in the hotels, in laundries, in cafeterias, as housemaids, as truck drivers, and some work in the sawmills, and others. work in various capacities in the places listed below. Places that afford business and social contacts are as follows; Twelve stores, three hotels, five cafeterias, three pressing and cleaning shops, four service stations, one shoe shop, two garages, one ice plant, two drug stores, three clinics, a printing press, one theatre, a school, one Post Office, two stations, a park, and a "bank. In the community, there is an active P.P.A. and a Safety First club. These two organizations do many helpful things for the advancement of the community. They are responsible for and support a hot lunchroom for the undernourished children. The county nurse supervises a clinic monthly, and medical service is given to the children without charges. Their favorite ways of spending leisure time are going to meetings, taking automobile rides in family groups, and going fishing. As a whole, the people are Intelligent and do much for the betterment of the community by keeping their surroundings clean. this bird's eye view suggests an unusual type of prosperity which is reflected in many ways, Out of this community come many lessons for and opportunities for pupil adjustment. All cases of adjustment of the pupils demand an objective and careful analysis which is to be followed by a constructive plan of treatment. In any school program, new or old provisions should "be made for individual differences. Much of the other machinery of adjustment is ineffective if the teacher does not make use of it and coordinate it with her own classroom devices. She must act as a guide and counselor to the pupil for whose benefit adjustment is planned. All other agencies should function primarily through the teacher or with her knowledge and approval. The proposition of adjustment and guidance is posited upon the intimate and sympathetic knowledge of the pupil which every teacher should have. It is through the teacher, to a large degree, that the educational functions in the theory of the school program really function in the experience of the pupil.
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Mcqueen, L. B. (1939). The Teaching Of Arithmetic In The Primary Grades, In The Allen School Of Corrigan, Texas. Retrieved from