Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Arts and Science
At the present time, there is an intense interest in the curricular and extra-curricular activities. Educators on nearly every hand are realizing the importance of giving the young people of today a fourfold development, namely, an intellectual, physical, spiritual, and social development. This present-day idea of extra-curricular activities is the result of a changed viewpoint concerning the proper aims of the school. I chose this subject for three reasons. First, I have a keen interest in extra-curricular activities. Second, Secondary Education is my major and I feel that I have obtained enough information from courses in Education to deal with this subject intelligently and profitably. Third, the concepts toward the extra-curricular program have changed which necessarily brings about a revision of the extra-curricular program in order to meet the changing conditions. Educational Philosophers have noticed that there was one important thing lacking in the school system PURPOSE OF STUDY and have devised a plan in which it may be fitted into the system. This is known as extra-curricular activities. The writer in this thesis has attempted to stimulate parents and instructors to a realization of the fact that every boy and girl needs to participate in extra-curricular activities. This study is a mute plea for a revaluation and possibly reorganization of extra-curricular activities Each activity should be studied as to its purpose, function, and method of accomplishing its purpose and the extent to which the organization challenges its members to moral constructivity, activity, and growth. In making this study I used the historical method of approach and letters of inquiry to the Martin High School officials. METHOD OF PROCEDURE The meaning of extracurricular activities takes in those things done in the school for which no credit is given. This study will include club work, civic and social organization, physical education activities fine arts organization, and dramatics. There are evils and problems in extra-curricular activities, which will be discussed within this thesis. Extra-curricular activities are those legitimate activities not provided for in that part of the school DEFINITION OF TERM program which is usually designated as the curriculum. They include only those activities carried on apart from the course of study as semi-curricular, intra-curricular and co-instructional activities.
Committee Chair/Advisor
George W. Reeves
Committee Member
E.J. Frazier
Committee Member
E.J. Frazier
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Moore, L. V. (1937). A Suggested Program Of Extra-Curricular Activities In The Martin High School Of Beaumont, Texas. Retrieved from