Family Life Education in Negro Schools of Waller County, Texas
Education on every level, from the nursery school through the college and on into dault life, must recognize the basic issue of family life education in terms that are appropriate to each of these age levels, so that the individual boy, girl, man, and woman may find a progressive clarification and amplification of what efficiency means in every aspect of living, especially in the family.
No other group in society has equal possibilities with the family for adequately meeting functional physical, social, and emotional needs of Individuals throughout life.1 While the family holds such a position it has been found that by and large it has not lived up to its possibilities along the line of training for good citizenship, therefore, it has been expected that the schools should take up the responsibility where the family left off. Attempts have been made to solve some of the problems to some extent, through the offerings of vocational classes in homemaking and agriculture. However, many schools do not offer such courses, and in those schools where vocational classes are found the training is for high school pupils or for pupils fourteen years of age or older. It therefore, has become necessary that a functional program of education for living be offered to the lower grades. A program of this sort is needed for possibly two main reasons: first, it is assumed that the teaching of only facts and principles of subject matter offers very little in the way of enlightening a child on the aspects of living; secondly, it is assumed that many children, especially those living in rural communities, drop out of school before they reach the high school grades. It has become a vital issue, therefore, that practical instruction be offered in the earlier grades so that every child might have the opportunity to receive functional information necessary for individual and family living. From various sources pertaining to home life education and subject matter integration, it was learned that many school have projected programs through which pupils and teachers may cut across subject matter lines to other pertinent areas of learning, which are concerned with the progress of individual and group living. It is just such evidence of education of family life activities for which the writer has attempted to search, and possibly discover. It is these evidences of the correlation of life's problems, and their possible solutions, with generally accepted subject matter areas that have formed the basis for this study.
1 Florence Fallgatter. "Community Programs of Education In Family Living From the Viewpoint of Home Economics," U. B. Department of the Interior, Office of Educational Division. November, 1937. p. 1.