Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
This thesis attempts to show some of the basic reasons why men fail to share their responsibilities in making home life success. At a time when every subject in our school curriculum is challenged to prove its worth, and when every teaching method is being submitted to critical examination, Home Economics has been called upon to justify its claims and examine its methods. Teachers and supervisors have been stimulated to as to what extent the work taught in school actually functions in the student's life, and especially in the lives of young men. Are practices that affect their health actually modified? Does the boy enjoy household activities that might otherwise seem dull? Is there any sign of growing good taste in their dress? Do they know the things that are of most value at home? Home Economics is no longer to be thought of as applying only to girls, because its point of view concerns the development of individuals with reference to their places in the home and society, therefore, the needs of boys, as well as those of girls, should be considered. Thus we have established what is known as "Home Training For Boys," or "Joint Classes In Home Making."
The boys must be aided In their efforts toward a complete adjustment in the home and society. They should share some of the responsibilities in the home In order to ensure comfort and a pleasant atmosphere at all times. But they must be trained just as the girls are to perform these duties and share the home responsibilities successfully. Most young men at some time in their lives will be confronted with duties and responsibilities in their own homes. These young men should be prepared to meet these situations and make adjustments. One of the things that should be done is to study the attitudes to see how they feel about participation in the activities of the family, and if they receive pleasure from it. To show some basic reasons why the number of young men training in Home Economics and those sharing in home activities is so small, it was necessary to discover how young men feel toward the contribution they make in the home. For this reason a study has been made and the results compiled in simple form for the student of person who would like to know more about this problem.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Elizabeth E. May
Prairie View State Normal And Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Bell, B. L. (1940). A Study Of The Opinions Of Forty Student College Men And Ten Faculty Men At Prairie View State College Regarding The Contribution Of Home Economics To Boys and Men. Retrieved from