Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Degree Discipline

Home Economics


"The care and feeding of children between infancy and maturity is very important. Much attention has been given to the nutritional requirements of babies, but the pre-school child has been more or less overlooked. Nursery schools have been established for the purpose of studying the best means of improving the health and nutrition of children of the pre-school age, and feeding studies undertaken with both high school and college students have gone far toward ard establishing better £ood and health habits during this critical period of transition from childhood to adult life". Children of the same age vary in size and activities, therefore, individual children vary in the amount of food they need. The smallest amount given should be considered as the minimum necessary for any child of that age. If a child is well and gaining weight regularly, is vigorous, and sleeps well, Ms appetite may be considered a fair guide as to how much more than this minimum quantity of food he should eat. The child must learn that it is his business to eat what is provided for him, and not to expect what is not to him. Training in good eating habits can not begin too early. Each child must learn that eating is an important duty to be faithfully performed day by day. New foods must be learned, sometimes by many repetitions. For the preschool child, this means first of all that he shall have the appetite which comes physical or nervous fatigue. There should be a cheerful person who can heartily commend to him the food which he is to partake, and the food itself shall be of the same flavor, texture, and temperature that it was when offered before. Endeavors to improve children physically must not be limited. Each stage of development calls for watchful care. The child should not only be helped to remember that he is to drink water, attend to his bowels at a stated time, to go to bed, and eat meals by the clock but the desirability of all these things must be impressed upon his mind. Sunshine and rest are important aids to the utilization of food by children. There must be long hours of sleep and not too much excitement or hard work during the waking hours. They must be free from physical defects which cause mal-nutrition by interference with normal breathing. During childhood, weighing should be done at regular intervals and tables of weight and height of normal children consulted as an aid in judging progress and these should be supplemented by thorough physical examinations. Food problems in the pre-school age period are basically health problems. At the outset, the child should be accustomed to a variety of tastes, care being taken that good food is not spoiled in cooking. Children should not be permitted to acquire a longing for fried greasy foods, pastries, too much sugar, spiced food, and stimulants such as tea and coffee.

Committee Chair/Advisor

E.C. May

Committee Member

E.C. May


Prairie View State College


© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Date of Digitization


Contributing Institution

John B Coleman Library

City of Publication

Prairie View





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