Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
It requires no more than a superficial acquaintance with the educational situations today to realize that the mastery of a textbook no longer constitutes the chief end of school education. The text is being transformed into a means for realizing more fundamental objectives. Emphasis in school has shifted from knowledge as book learning to information and activities as instruments in the formation of character traits.
Professor Bobbitt1 insists that education is to prepare men and women for the activities of every kind which make up well rounded adult life. Professors Bode and Dewey insist that society is in a process of change and that the responsibility of the school is not only to conserve the past and train for the present order, but also to reorganize wisely the future. As Dewey states: If the environment, in school and out supplies conditions which utilize adequately the present capacities of the immature, the future which grows out of the present is surely taken care of.2
It is not necessary to pass judgment upon these points of view: Whether the school prepares for the future by grafting adult power upon child nature or by encouraging a worthy purposeful living, at each stage of child life; it is clear that there is a new emphasis in education. From a recent survey made of the student body in Galveston, we find through the work of various organizations and clubs outcomes that are gratifying. Personality outcomes, character traits, intellectual, moral and physical abilities, skills, power, attitudes and dispositions are aimed at directly. To live as one should live at each successive age-level is the one sure way of learning to live as one ought to live at the nature level of adulthood.
Purpose - It is the purpose of this thesis to show: How Central High School is filling an educational need in our community. How economic conditions have caused the High School group to have a great amount of leisure times. How young people are largely dependent upon the school for character building.
1Bobbitt, - How to Make a Curriculum, pp. 7-8. 2Democracy and Education. Dewey.
Committee Chair/Advisor
A. L. Sheffield
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Lucas, O. K. (1938). Education, A Factor in Character Building at Central High School, Galveston, Texas. Retrieved from