Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Reading is the most important and essential in the field of literature as all of literature depends upon it the basic, foundation for its value. In fact it gives to the child an understanding of the meaning of all subject matter. It helps the child develop an appreciation of all other literature. Without a knowledge of reading the child would be void of a full meaning of what subject matter means. Therefore, the teaching of reading in the primary grade is of great importance to the child who is just learning to read, and. who should be taught by well prepared teachers, in order that the child may get a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals of reading, that is, the child should be taught how to read so that he can be heard intelligently.
Having taught eight consecutive years in Booker T. Wasington Public School of Bonham, Texas a position to which I was elected in the autumn of 1929, I feel that I can pass over some helpful methods and ideas on a subject with which I have spent considerable time and considerable study. It has been a real pleasure to note the unfolding of the young minds entrusted to my care and instruction throughout the long period of years that I have had the pleasure of working as primary teacher of the school previously mentioned.
It will be an additional pleasure to pass to others any worth while help that this thesis may present.
In the Booker T. Washington School at Bonham, Texas reading is the base of a unit activity pivoting around one particular phase of subject matter as a unified whole, example: Suppose the lesson concerning "ponies" is the basic unit for reading. This unit concerning ponies is read throughout all the primer. This method helps the pupil to become familiar with one particular object or thing, before changing to another of a different type. This unified method carries with it the use of dramatization, clay modeling, drawing, cutting, and coloring pictures of the various objects or things being studied. Sand-table projects are also made useful. This will keep the pupils' minds engaged at some worth while activity by making use of his leisure time.
Committee Chair/Advisor
T. R. Griffith
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Roberson, M. L. (1937). Method of Teaching Reading in the Primary Grade in the Booker T. Washington School at Bonham, Texas. Retrieved from