Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
This study is made with the intention of acquainting the farmers in the Southern half of Anderson County and those in the Northern half of Houston County with the possibilities of Dairying as a major or as a minor enterprise. This territory is bounded on the west by the Trinity River and on the east by the Neches River. The Southern boundary is State Highway 21 extending from the two rivers and the Northern being State Highway 43 extending from river to river.
Within this territory many running streams may be found because of the rolling topography of the land. Lowlands are bounding most of these streams; level expanses often covering fifty or more acres to the block or farm. The hillside land favor growing of grain and other leguminous crops. This fact aids in solving the largest problem in the Dairy enterprise—feed. These low lands make favorable pastures, both permanent and temporary because of the growth of clovers and Bermuda grass the year round. Large perennial trees shade the banks of these streams of running water and this is a contributing factor toward an ideal pasture for dairy cattle.
The climate of this territory is seldom below freezing and then only for a few hours at the time. The average number of days of freezing weather is ten per year. This fact decreases the cost of housing the herd. Hot dry summers are prevalent but the grasses seldom sear too much to be consumed by the herd.
The Kraft-Phenix Cheese Company is centrally located in this one thousand and seven hundred fifty square miles of territory on Highway 19. Since the opening of the plant in 1937 the increase in consumption has been 150%. The plant is a $100,000 investment of Kraft-Phenix Cheese Corporation of Chicago, Illinois, with division headquarters at Denison, Texas for the Southwest. The Grapeland plant is a subsidy of the Denison Division. The company has $5,000,000 capital stock, spending $500,000 yearly for advertisement. Kraft-Phenix Cheese is more in demand than any other brand on the market. This plant at Grapeland can increase its present manufacturing 500% above its present days production without any added cost for further equipment according to the manager's statement, Mr. M. E. French. The plant is a permanent establishment and represents a steady market for dairy products produced by farmers in this territory.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. M. Alexander
Prairie View State College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Lyons, M. E. (1939). The Source of Milk Supply for the Kraft-Phenix Cheese Plant at Grapeland, Texas. Retrieved from