Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Home Economics
The value of planning and selecting a wardrobe within a limited income cannot be over estimated. Many college girls of limited means, make the mistake in thinking that the wearing of the most expensive clothes merits one the title of " Well-Dressed". It is our aim to break down this idea by suggesting the wisest possible selection and planning within a limited income and at the same time be well-dressed. First, the girl will need to know how to buy. Much unwise selection and waste of money have been the results of ignorance. Secondly, skill and good taste in the planning and selecting of clothes will need to be developed so as to use the income to the best advantage. The well-dressed woman and good taste in clothes are reversible terms. One cannot exist without the other. Good taste is not an inheritance. The ability to dress well is not a birth-right. In the broad analysis, both are results of careful observation, imitation, and calculation in choosing and assembling the wardrobe.
The purpose of this thesis is to quicken the thought of the college girl to understand and PURPOSE appreciate clothes to the extent that she will establish habits of wisdom and economy in the planning and selecting of the wardrobe. Special emphasis will be placed on planning and selecting the clothes within a definite and limited income. In compiling the material necessary for this thesis, the writer studied carefully several books METHOD OF PROCEDURE written by authors who had done special study and work in the field of clothing, its cost, selection, and budgeting. The writer included some illustrations of fabrics and garments so that the reader could clearly understand and appreciate this work. Also, a suggested wardrobe was given, which could be easily followed by a college girl having limited means.
Committee Chair/Advisor
A.L. Ross
Committee Member
A.L. Ross
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Runnells, J. L. (1937). Planning And Selecting A Wardrobe For A College Girl Living In Texas Whose Father's Income is Eight Hundred Dollars A Year. Retrieved from