Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Home Economics
Although it is agreed that many of the most difficult and disturbing problems of family living are related to family expenditures, yet there is perhaps less serious careful study given to the distribution of money for living expenditures than almost any other phase of homemaking. If a balanced budget was kept at all times some of the problems of this situation would be eliminated. This situation, however, is not surprising; many homemakers are so completely occupied with the responsibility of clothing, feeding, and otherwise providing for the physical welfare of their families that these matters which can be pushed aside are postponed until neglect produces a difficulty which compels them to give at least temporary attention in the matter. Living expenditures may be defined as those actually expenses in the form of cash and credit purchases that furnish the necessities and comforts for the enjoyment of life or for one's well-being. Certain plans should be made for the family expenditures so that the requirements of the family standards of living will be met. If these expenditures are defined in a family conference after full discussion of all points involved and a family spending budget or plan is made the cooperation of all the members will be more positive and the problem of disorganization is less liable to occur. It is difficult for individuals to insist upon their right to spend carelessly or selfishly when they see that in order to gratify their whim they have deprived the whole group of necessities or of comforts which would add materially to their efficiency.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the living expenditures of ten families in Washington County, Texas, and to see just how much is spent for items in relation to the income. Nothing has been done to find out the average cost of living among Negroes in the county. The standard of living in an economic sense of the modern family is measured by the income which of course, must be valued in terms of money. The writer has undertaken this task to find out something definite and concrete about the economic status of the Negro farm family in Washington County, Texas. The present study will have served its purpose if it aids anyone in making similar studies.
Prairie View State Normal And Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Lockett, J. M. (1938). A Study Of The Living Expenditures Of Ten Negro Farm Families In Washington County, Texas. Retrieved from