Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Education
Degree Discipline
In my study of Adolescent Psychology, I have learned that all individuals are not alike in any trait. Through observation, I have noticed these differences to be outstanding ones. Very often I hear someone say, "Oh I don't see why she likes this or, why she does that" then they answer their own question by saying, "Y/ell I guess that's due to individual differences," because I would not have that if it was on a Christmas tree." If someone would spend a day on the campus or in the classroom, of any school, they would recognize at once that there are differences among students in physical and mental endowment. In my discussion, I shall attempt to explain in a clear way some of these differences, and how they may be adjusted. Adequate training of teachers both in school and in-service to recognize and detect actual differences among pupils is extremely necessary. Every mother or leader Of children should have some knowledge of differences among them. Until this has been done, the problem of individual differences will always be one of worry to everyone concerned with children. This study has been designed to determine some of the ways of adjusting classroom instruction to individual differences in regard to mental ability, cultural background, and standards of living. The writer has attempted to relate and. describe some of the causes of the differences such as heredity and environment. An attempt has also been made to outline and discuss special methods of adjusting certain problems of difficulty, making for these differences. Unless classroom instruction is flexible to the extent that it is able to reach the needs of each pupil. then the teacher's program is a failure so far as many of the students are concerned. Instances have been cited to prove the importance of an adjustment program and its effects. One of the best means of preventing is to locate the cause and find a solution for it.
Prairie View State College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Roligan, J. B. (1930). Collection Opinions As to Treatment Of Individual Differences Among Adolescents. Retrieved from