Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Playground activities with its many problems is comparatively new in our modern day life; however, it is a needed and essential element in the development of children into wholesome manhood and womanhood. This can be verified by the many equipped playgrounds we see at schools and in parks. Since there has been such an interest aroused in this field of activity, one readily wants to know the contributing factors. Educators have learned that wholesome use of leisure time, one of the seven cardinal principles of education, is no little problem to be solved. But, the playgrounds do seemingly give the best answer to this ever-growing question. Again the playground activities under competent supervision proves its worth by offering much needed qualities the children of today must possess. Some of these qualities which I shall consider are: 1. The individualistic qualities, or those pertaining to personal conduct independent of others. 2. Social qualities, or those which are concerned with the individual as a member of the group. 3. The civic qualities or those involving the attitude of the individual toward organized society.
Also, the activities of playgrounds, or the recreation theory is based on a sound principle, which is a certain amount of rest and sleep are necessary, but, beyond that, a change to an active and interesting occupation is more restful and more beneficial than complete idleness.
As I list the assets of the playground, I am considering in each instance that the playgrounds are efficiently directed and supervised by playground teachers. Hence, the playground teacher, although she is directing children how to play, has many problems - the most trying one is discipline. The following are some of the qualities in children that cause daily problems of discipline for the playground teacher: 1. Inconsiderateness 2. Selfishness 3. Intolerance 4. Unreliability 5. Unfairness 6. Disobedience 7. Disloyalty 8. Lack of Self-Control 9. Boastfulness in Victory 10. Lack of Perseverance 11. Cowardliness 12. Tardiness 13. Lack of Self-Confidence 14. Profanity
Does this not convince you that playground supervisors besides being well informed in their field must also, to a certain degree, be psychologists, students of ethics, and very good disciplinarians?
I shall confine my thesis to problems of discipline on the Dallas playgrounds of the following schools: 1. Wheatley School, Myers and Metropolitan Streets 2. Julia C. Frazier, 4600 Spring Avenue 3. N. W. Harllee, Eighth and Denley Drive 4. B. F. Darrell, 3212 Cochran Street 5. Wahoo Park, Spring Avenue 6. J. P. Starks School
Committee Chair/Advisor
Clothilde Curry
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Scott, G. B. (1938). The Problems of Conduct on the Dallas Playgrounds. Retrieved from