Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Industrial Education
Acker, Leslie E. The Feasibility and Need for Teaching Process Industrial Pipe Drafting in High Schools in the Houston Area. Master of Science (Industrial Education, August, 1971, Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College, Prairie View, Texas.
It was the purpose of this study to investigate the feasibility of teaching industrial process pipe drafting in the Houston area. Attempts to partially fulfill the employment demands have been unsuccessful because industry has grown more rapidly than the availability of qualified draftsmen. This particular drafting skill could be accomplished by qualified instructors from industry who would closely follow and correlate the guidelines of the school and industry within a chosen range of activities to enable the student to have a more complete knowledge of techniques, calculations , and skills.
The method used to obtain these data for this study was to apply the steps of reviewing the existing instructional material and an opinionaire was prepared and sent to fifty industrial engineering departments in Houston and outlying areas. A correlation and an analysis was made from the opinionaire.
Findings From the information presented in this study, the observations are as follows:
1. The communications between high school and industry in the Houston area may be inadequate, therefore, it may be difficult to partially fulfill the needs of industry.
2. Instructors may re-design their curricula to meet the demands of industry. Some of the areas planned for pre-employment should be given less projection or be omitted from the program.
3. Emphasis should be placed on certain phases of drafting that may be useful in solving problems resembling those of industry as nearly as possible.
4. Instructors may follow closely industry's suggested guidelines which include methods, procedures, design, construction, and safety practices.
5. Vocational Education at the secondary level should have as its overall purpose, the teaching of a salable skill within an occupational area for individuals.
6. The students may be informed of the technical skills and knowledge involved in the controlled program through the educational influence of guidance and counseling.
Among the many fields of drafting, pipe drafting stands out as one in which the draftsman has great opportunities. A knowledge of the use of pipe and the best methods of representation not only offers an additional field of opportunity, but also serves to make the draftsman more useful to his employer. The vocationally trained high school students are informed of the technical skills and knowledge involved in pipe drafting through the educational program with the influence of guidance and counseling.
Counseling provides a relationship in which the individual is stimulated (1) to evaluate himself and his opportunities, (2) to choose a feasible course of action, and (3) to accept responsibility for his choice. Vocational counseling with students should precede their entrance or admission to a vocational program. The guidance function must continue for the duration of each student's attendance and until satisfactorily placed in his or her next station in life.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Lloyd R. Boyden
Committee Member
W. A. Hall
Committee Member
Eugene Jackson
Committee Member
J. A. Beasley
Committee Member
Ruby Summers
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Acker, L. E. (1971). The Feasibility And Need For Teaching Process Industrial Pipe Drafting In High Schools In The Houston Area. Retrieved from