Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Agriculture and Human Science
Despite the large number of studies in nutrition that have been made in the last half-century in the United States, the relation of human diet to various aspects of health still deserves extensive investigation. A vast amount of data are yet needed to fill the gaps in the information concerning human nutrition. Therefore, the writer chose to study the eating habits of pupils in grades h, 5, and 6 for the purpose of determining the extent to which the habits in relation to diets conformed to standards, and in light of the findings to make suggestions for improvement. The need for experimental studies in the field of nutrition education can best be realized by studying the literature developed by organizations and by personnel directly concerned with the health of the population.
Nutrition surveys and dietary studies reveal that although malnutrition is most prevalent among low-income groups, it is also found among people who have sufficient money to be well fed. Parran (26) points out that no community is sufficiently free of malnutrition to be complacent. It is his belief that a program designed to educate communities and individuals in sound nutritional principles is necessary. Roberts (28), a pioneer in the field of nutrition for children, believes that if nutrition education is to be effective, it must be centered in the public schools. One of the main purposes of nutrition education is to help children to acquire comparatively scientific and flexible eating habits. If that purpose is to be achieved, teachers must recognize some of the more subtle influences that condition their pupils to like certain foods. Pupils' attitudes toward food often seem insoluble mysteries. Food habits are generally quite complex and they are usually unconscious. Like most habits, they tend to persist even when it is demonstrated that failure to abandon them may ultimately injure their possessor. In so far as possible the teacher should plan instruction in nutrition with reference to customs peculiar to the locality.
Committee Chair/Advisor
E. May Galloway
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Lewis, L. M. (1948). A Study Of The Eating Habits And Related Factors Of Some Pupils In Grades 4,5 And 6 In Selected Schools In Texas. Retrieved from