Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Research on the effect of temperature on cysticercold development of Hyxaenolepia diminuta was performed by Voge and Heyneman (1958), They found that infectivity varied with the length of exposure, sensitivity period, and temperature. The rate of infactivity was slightly lower for cysticercoids developed at 37°C for long periods of time. Approximately 60% of the cysticercoids exposed for six days at 37°C developed in the final host, while only about 15% of the cysticercoids exposed for eight days at the same temperature proved to be infective. All of the experiments with cysticercoids were performed with the larvae inside the intermediate host, Tribolium confusum.
Heyneman (1958) exposed cysticercoids of H. hana to temperatures between 10°c find 42°C At 41 °C and 42°C, development of the cysticercoids was completed in 7 days, but infection of the final host was not obtained. Cysticercoids matured at the maximum rate between 37°C and 4Q°C, At these temperatures, the rate of infectivity is at the greatest level obtainable and required four days, A large increase in developmental time occurred at lower temperatures, varying from 11 days at 25°C to more than 50 days at 15°C, H, nana is well adapted to the higher temperatures studied and poorly adapted to the lower range in contrast to the development of the rat tapeworm, H. diminuta, In K, nana, development can occur at a temperature as high as 42°C, but with H« diminuta, completion of development is inhibited at 38.5°C, In H, dirainuta. inhibition occurs early, but does not become apparent until the organism is further developed. When conditions are normal, H. dimlnuta develops into an infective cysticereoid in 8 days.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. S. Berry
Committee Member
Committee Member
L.C. Collin
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Petty, L. E. (1967). The Effect Of High Temperature On The Infectivity Of Hymenolepis Diminuta Cysticercoids In Albino Rats. Retrieved from