Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
It ia generally recognized by moat educators that the influence of environment on the behavior and development of an individual is extremely Important. In fact, all the aspects of an individual's behavior- inherited tendencies, voluntary behavior, strong feelings or emotions, and expression—are determined by the existing environment, J.B. Watson's theory on Behaviorism assigns to environment so dominant an influence upon behavior and development that hereditary factors are usually neglected. But, the present-day accepted theory emphasizes that hereditary factors and environmental influence must operate together in order to affect a particular mode of behavior. Therefore, the actual behavior of an individual depends upon his individual characteristics as well as upon the present conditions of his environment.
Statement of the Problem
In this study of the environmental forces in the behavior find development of 411 freshmen enrolled at Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College during the school year of 1847-1948, emphasis will be placed upon the collection and interpretation of data on the environmental forces and influences of the home and school.
These data will be grouped and interpreted in light of limited facts collected on the group's achievement as shown by the results of the Iowa Placement Test.
It is hoped that satisfactory answers will be found for the following questions:
1. What are the major fields chosen by these freshmen and what is the significance of these data
2. What are the ages of this group? 3. what environmental factors affect these students''
4. From what kind of high schools did they graduate?
5. How do the parents of these students earn their living.
6. what are the measured mental abilities of those students
7 what are the implications of these data?
Scope of the Study
Important and necessary as these data are, they will offer only limited evidences and hints towards the problem of the forces of the environment. It is to be remembered that when one speaks of environment, on© must take into consideration the psychological forces such as friendliness, dependence, and security, as well as the usual biological forces such as foods, enemies, shelter and means of protection. The home and school environments are only two aspects of the total forces of environment, but it includes many Influences which may be considered both psychological and biological. Consequently, the scope of this study will be limited to quantitative forces in the home and school environments which can be tabulated with a reasonable degree of objectivity. Qualitative influences, such as attitudes toward the school and home, will be considered only *Aiere quantitative data will permit inference.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. M. Drew
Committee Member
T. R. Solomon
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
White, J. M. (1950). The Environmental Forces In The Behavior And Development Of 411 Freshman At Prairie View 1947-1948. Retrieved from