Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Counseling and Guidance
Degree Discipline
The purpose of this study is to provide for the first time, a historical account of The Greater Bethlehem Baptist Church,(a Protestant Church), from its earliest beginnings through its first forty-four years, and to site some of its contributions and future outlook.
The purpose stated above can best be shown after having studied the role of the church, the church records, newspaper clippings, church bulletins, and church newsletters. Added to these have been many long conversations and interviews with members, former members, long-time residents in the community, the pastor, the heads of several government projects. Some interviews were planned and some were not.
The writer's scrapbook, records, tapes, personal experiences, and recollections, have also been of material aid.
The writer was a frequent visitor to the church in the evenings for five years. The writer moved into the community in 1937 and joined Greater Bethlehem Baptist Church that same year. She worked diligently with the B, T, U. and Sunday School as a teacher and sponsor of religious plays for special occasions for seven years prior to her marriage in 1944. After a short stay out of the state, she returned and continued to work in the church and assumed a leadership role as sponsor of a newly organized group of boys and girls under the title of The Carol Choir for children under ten years, and as a Sunday School teacher.
A much needed church sprang out of the desire of people within the community to have a religious ministry for themselves and their children.
Committee Chair/Advisor
R. E. Carreathers
Committee Member
Brenda Evans
Prairie View Agricultural And Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Jackson Richards, R.N., B.S., J. M. (1976). The First Forty Four Years In The History Of The Greater Bethlehem Baptist Church Dallas, Texas. Retrieved from