Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Industrial Education
If education is to continue to be effective in the Houston Independent School District, there should be continuous re-evaluation of the secondary school program in order to provide it with better trained personnel to guide and direct all youth in vocational choices.
Background of the Problem
The future leaders of the nation sit today at classroom desks. They are the young people who will shape the future and determine the progress of the social and economical world.
One of the greatest needs of the country is more competent, skillful and cooperative producers. The nation is handicapped by the tremendous waste of manpower based on the fact that many people learn to do their jobs by trial and error methods, and many others are employed in jobs for which they are unsuited.
The future will demand ever-higher standards of skills and education. Technical developments and automation, some yet to be developed, will heighten the dependence upon vocationally trained personnel.
The nation cannot afford to waste any of its resources, least of all its human resources. The schools have the responsibility of properly training and guiding young people so that each may prepare and fully qualify for the specific type of occupation to which he is best suited.
The counseling staff has the direct responsibility of exposing the students to the nature of a variety of occupations and aiding them in their decisions according to their abilities.
There appears to be concern as to whether these needs are being met adequately.
Statement of the Problem
The problem is the need for vocational counselors in the Houston Independent School District.
While the present staff of general counselors is doing an admirable job of guiding those students who plan to attend college, it is apparent that many students are not properly guided because of a lack of industrial occupational experience of the general counselors. There may be misconceptions on the part of general counselors and some other educators because of non-exposure to vocational information and modern industry. Many courses and activities designed to prepare students for specific occupations too often lose their identity in the total educational program because of the emphasis placed on academic achievement.
Committee Chair/Advisor
A. T. Kynard
Prairie View Agricultural And Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Fox, J. C. (1970). The Need For Vocational Counselors In The Houston Independent School District. Retrieved from