Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Due to the gradual accumulation of interest and information on the extensive dependency of organisms on the hormones, there are many references to experiments conducted in this field to be found in the literature. The androgen, which is any substance possessing masculinizing activity, has been studied extensively with respect to its effect on the male animal, However, according to the literature cited, a very limited amount of work has been published using the hamster as an assay of the male hormone. As examples of the progressive studies of the male hormone the following demonstrations stand out: first, the study of the internal secretory action of the testes by Berthol in 1849; second, the production of comb growth in capons by injections of a saline extract of testicular tissue by Pezard in 1911; third, the isolation of an active lipoid extract of bull^ testes by McGee in 1927; fourth, the isolation of androsterone from human urine by Betenandt in 1931; fifth, the synthetic production of androsterone in 1934 by Ruzicha; sixth, the synthetic preparation of testosterone in 1935 by Betenandt and Hanlsh; seventh, the preparation of testosterone propionate by the esterification of testosterone by Parkes in 1936; eighth, the preparation of the long-acting androgen, testosterone beta-cyclopentyl propionate by Otto, Kwzenga, Lester and Johnson (1952).
Many methods for detecting the male hormone in mammals were necessary in order to effectively study the reactions of the hormones in castrated and intact animals.
The availability of androgens as pure chemical compounds makes it possible not only to compare their effects in organisms with the effects of hormones normally secreted by the testes but also to extend the knowledge of their actions. It is important, therefore, to study closely the comparative responses of the organism under the influence of naturally secreted hormones and the pure chemical substances.
Callow and Parkes (1935), and Blyth, Podds, and Gallimore (1932) used the capon chick comb for their assay of the testicular hormone. Immature rats and guinea-pigs were used by ICorenchevsky (1932), and Callow and Deansly (1935) for assaying the potency of the male hormone. The latter method is used more extensively because it is cheaper and has proved as effective as the former.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Charles H. Nicholas
Prairie View Agricultural And Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Smith, J. A. (1954). The Effects Of Testosterone Propionate On The Testes Seminal Vesicles And Prostate Of The Intact And Castrate Hamsters. Retrieved from