Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Industrial Education
The writer was basically concerned, with the training in the area of non-teaching functions that is afforded the industrial teacher education student at Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College. This study was an attempt to analyze the magnitude of non-teaching problems that the student is exposed to and to determine the adequacy of the training received. The determination as to the status of the training is based upon information obtained from past graduating industrial arts majors. The current training in the area of non-teaching functions is analyzed in relation to non-teaching problems presently being encountered by industrial arts teachers and the future needs of the industrial teacher education graduate.
Based on data obtained through personal contact and the questionnaire, the writer has attempted to deduce from past industrial arts graduates those areas of non-teaching problems that have caused them difficulty in the performance of their teaching duties. From these data, the writer has determined the effects that these problem areas have had upon the past graduates teaching duties. Conclusions have been made in regard to the reasons for experiencing these difficulties and recommendations to alleviate them have been made.
BACKGROUND OP THE PROBLEM. The writer's past work experiences revealed that one of his major weaknesses was in the area of supervision. This observation was first noticed after his first duty assignment with the United States Army. His first requirements were to supervise numerous fund drives, Athletics and Recreation, domestic affairs, and to counsel approximately one-hundred men. Many of these persons were old enough to be the writer's father, a few were younger, but the vast majority were at least his age. Based on the Army's system of command and control, the writer was generally required to supervise and communicate with the senior personnel directly and the younger or junior persons indirectly. Being required to supervise older and experienced persons presented numerous problems, and on repeated occasions, the writer realized that his past training had not equipped him to cope with many of the situations encountered.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Lloyd Boyden
Committee Member
Eugene Jackson
Committee Member
Marion Henry
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Bonner, H. S. (1970). A Study Of The Non-Teaching Problems Encountered By Industrial Teacher Education Graduates And The Effect These Problems Have Upon Teaching. Retrieved from