Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Industrial Education
Industrial arts has been taught in varying degrees in the elementary schools of Texas for a number of years. In some cases, industrial arts activities have been integrated with other subject areas, and in some cases, they have been taught as a separate subject. There have been several studies made concerning what the nature and extent of industrial arts activities should be at the elementary level. Research indicates, however, that there has been no study made to determine if industrial arts activities could be used to enrich the elementary curriculum in the Dallas Independent School District. The elementary curriculum can be enriched by including some industrial arts activities according to some people who have done research in this area. Bonser and Mossman" did extensive research and writing on this phase of the elementary curriculum. Louis V. Newkirk has long advocated including activities at the elementary level, which includes tools, materials, and processes. Ericson, in his book entitled Teaching the Industrial Arts,^ devotes a section to industrial arts activities at the elementary level.
Beginning about 1925 some attention was given to this type of experience for children enrolled in the elementary schools in Texas, and in 1958 the State Department of Education made some recommendations and suggestions in a bulletin entitled Industrial Arts Program. The Texas Education Agency published a bulletin entitled Industrial Arts in Texas Schools. This bulletin was prepared by twenty-three of the leading industrial arts teachers and teacher educators throughout the state. This group of teachers made both general and specific suggestions and recommendations as to the nature and scope of industrial arts activities in the public schools of Texas. This bulletin places more emphasis on industrial arts activities at the elementary level than do prior bulletins published at the state level in Texas.
There is a number of school systems in the State of Texas which include industrial arts activities in the curriculum of their elementary schools. Some of these school systems are Houston, Snyder, San Antonio, and Andrews, Texas. The Houston Public Schools published a curriculum bulletin, entitled "Industrial Arts Handbook," in 1954, which gives attention to industrial arts activities at the elementary level. The industrial arts program in the Houston school system starts at the fourth-grade level and continues through the sixth grade.
Prairie View Agricultural And Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Cohen, F. M. (1970). A Study To Determine The Need For Industrial Arts Activities For Enriching The Elementary Curriculum In The Dallas Public Schools. Retrieved from