Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Today colleges and universities are being crowded with veterans throughout the nation. This sudden increase in the enrollment has found institutions without adequate training facilities, teaching personnel, and living accommodations.
The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 was designed to make civilian life smoother and more secure for men and women released from the armed service. This act, better known as the "(J. I. Bill of Rights, carried certain qualifications for education. This act provides for those who are eligible, the opportunity to receive education, training or refresher courses at approved educational institutions for a period of one year or the equivalent in part-time study. Upon satisfactory completion of his course, the veteran is entitled to additional education or training not to exceed the time he was in active service from September 16, 1940 to end of the war, and not exceeding four years. Toward this training the federal government will pay up to 1500 a year for tuition fees, books, and supplies. While pursuing such a course of study the veteran may receive a subsistence allowance of $65 per month if he has no dependent, and $90 a month with dependents; however, persons attending a course on part-time basis or receiving compensation for work performed as part of their training shall receive such lesser sum as may be determined by Veterans Administration.
Any person who served in the active military or naval service on or after September 16, 1940, and prior to the termination of the present war, and who shall have been discharged or released therefrom tinder conditions other than dishonorable, and whose education or training was impeded, delayed, interrupted, or interfered with by reason of his entrance into the service, or who desires a refresher or retraining course, and who either shall have served 90 days or more, exclusive of any period he was assigned for a course of education or training under the Army specialized training program or the Navy college training program, which course was a continuation of his civilian course and was pursued to completion, or as a cadet or midshipman at one of the service academies, or shall have been discharged or released from active service by reason of an actual service-incurred injury or disability shall be eligible for and entitled to receive education or training under this part: PROVIDED, That such course shall be initiated not later than 2 years after either the date of his discharge or the termination of the present war, whichever is the later: PROVIDED FURTHER, That no such education or training shall be afforded beyond 7 years arter the termination of the present war: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That any such person who was not over 25 years of age at the time he entered the service shall be deemed to have had his education or training impeded, delayed, interrupted, or interfered with.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. M. Drew
Committee Member
C. L. Wilson
Committee Member
L. C. Perkins
Committee Member
J. H. Windom
Prairie View University
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Breeding, Jr., F. D. (1947). A Study Of The Status Of Prairie View Veterans. Retrieved from