Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
The education of exceptional children through specialized methods and classes is a comparatively new development. Not until 1945 did the State of Texas make local: provisions for those children who did not fit into the general education plan of the state. Even now school officials, teachers, principals, and administrators in the so special schools require the exceptional child to moot and maintain standards established for normal children.
In the light of modern educational philosophy and current trends In child growth and development, the curriculum of -hose schools should arise from the needs and abilities of the individual child rather than be arbitrarily superimposed. To give the child who is exceptional a program designed for the average child is unfair both to the child and to those teachers who carry through the program.
A very large group of exceptional children Is that of the orthopedically handicapped. An English barrister, soaking to arouse an interest in the ''crippled child" said more than thirty years ago that the education of the crippled child is not a philanthropy. Bather, it is enlightened self-interest. Stimulation of this movement for special education, its accomplishments, its present status, and its future objectives wore placed in their proper perspective by the White House Conference of 1931. This conference revealed a total of 13,521,400handicapped children of which number 100,000 were orthopedically handicapped, statistics mad© available in 1945 revealed 336,040 handicapped children of which 112,000 wore cared for in special classes.
Baker, in explaining the problem of the orthopedically handicapped, stated that the term "orthopedic" is a comparatively recent adoption, the public still preferring the more familiar terra, "crippled." These two terms will be used synonymously in this survey.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. D. Holland
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Claybon, D. L. (1950). Special Education In Texas With Particular Reference To The Orthopedically Handicapped Children. Retrieved from