Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Any one who teaches a child to read gives him the most effective key for unlocking the world's storehouse of knowledge, hence endows him with a lifelong and priceless possession. In all teaching and supervision emphasis should be placed upon what the pupils accomplish rather than upon what the pupils accomplish rather than upon what the teacher is doing. When a teacher accepts the foregoing statement it should energize the mastery of a skillful teaching technique to replace inadequate and outworn procedures, which reflect low attainment levels by pupils.
Reading is one of the four allied arts and has two major social relations. First, it is the chief means of communication after learning to listen, speak, and write. Second, it helps the thinking child to create an idea, make a judgment, draw a conclusion, or solve a problem.
Reading is basic for the proper understanding and interpretation of all subject matter, and it makes further use of ideas. The earlier in a child's learning experience, it is exposed to proper word analysis, that is, its structure and phonetic implications, the quicker it grasps the fundamentals of good reading.
Statement of Problem It Is generally known to most teachers and educators that the ability to intelligently read is the weakest link in present-day elementary and high school scholarship. Because of this accepted knowledge, it suggests corrective procedures to adjust this situation. This study proposes to attack the problem from the following viewpoints:
1. Make surveys to determine weaknesses in reading ability by use of Standardized Tests.
2. Evaluate findings using the normal attainment as a guide for determining causes of weaknesses.
3. To suggest methods and techniques that may be used in the process of developing independent readers through word attack.
For the purpose of this study, the first six grades in the Groveton Colored School, Groveton, Texas, were used as a basis for investigation. Special attention was given to structural and phonetic analysis methods of x*ord attack.
Committee Chair/Advisor
A. C. Preston
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Mathis, V. E. (1954). Development Independent Readers Through Methods Of Word Attack. Retrieved from