Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
First among the seven Cardinal Principles of education is health. There is no doubt that this is necessary for the attainment of every worthwhile ambition and achievement, If health is our first objective in education, every teacher should find time and place for instruction suitable to the age and experience of the child in the practices which make for health.
Throughout the elementary school life of the child the facts and rules of health constantly confront him. In the primary grades health teaching is dependent largely upon the resourcefulness of the teacher. There is no formal text book in these grades; the teaching is incidental and informal, yet there is much that a good teacher can do toward preparing the child for the appreciation of health facts to be blended into daily living and given meaning. As the child continues the pursuit of his elementary school career he is faced with facts concerning the importance of periodic physical examinations, dental visits at least twice per year, and the value of immunizations in helping to prevent the development of certain diseases, He is also taught the importance of personal cleanliness, vent list ion, diet, and the like. These are but a few of the many principles with which he is confronted} but are they really taught and how effective is the teaching?
In an article published by the Journal of negro education entitled "The Health status and Health Education of degrees in the United infected" the following objectives of health education wore listed:
Protection of the individual and community health.
2. Promotion of the health and physical fitness of the individual.
3. To safeguard not only the individual*e Physical fitness but that of his associates as well.
4. To develop the health of the individual so that hie physical and mental abilities can be used to the best advantage.
It is rather unfortunate that the means by which these objectives can be attained are limited. The elemental? teacher is thrown largely upon her own resources as to what health material should be taught, to what limits it should be carried, and how it should be presented. Although all experts may agree in their estimates of their quality and quantity among children. It is one thing to agree on goals and quite another to measure the degree of attainment reached.
Committee Chair/Advisor
T. P. Dooley
Committee Member
J. H. Windom
Committee Member
Dorothy Burdine
Committee Member
J.M. Drew
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Grays, V. L. (1948). A Study Of Health Knowledge, Practices Misconceptions And Superstitions Among 7th & 8th Grade Students Of Hopkins County. Retrieved from