Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Degree Discipline
The Reformation was the movement in the arts and religious life of western Europe in the sixteenth century which resulted in the formation of the different schools and Protestant Churches. At earlier periods there had been a feeling that conditions in the general leadership needed improvement along two distinct lines: firstly, through the efforts of many individuals of the monastic order and general councils to bring about the needed changes within the church. Such a movement was undertaken by the Reforming Councils of Pisa, Constance, and Basel in the fifteenth century. Secondly, was to improve the conditions of Christendom and by forming separate organizations outside of the Roman Catholic Church.
Statement of the problem. The main purpose of this study is to secure the historical background of the Reformation and its influence upon music. This involves problems:
1. Historical Background
2. Contributing forces and development
3. Results and effect upon music.
Significance of the study. The Reformation had great influence upon the arts and religious life of the people of Western Europe. The importance of this study is to show how the Reformation affected the music of the church during the period of 1500-1650 and even the church music of today.
Committee Chair/Advisor
H. E. Anderson
Prairie View Agricultural And Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Nelson, T. M. (1966). The Influence Of The Reformation Upon Music. Retrieved from