Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Probably never before in the history of the Longview Public schools have the primary teachers shown so much interest in the profession of teaching, or have they been so concerned with understanding their work in its social, professional and instructional aspects. The growth of the city, due to the recent discovery of the great oil field and increased community interests, have all contributed to this desirable awakening. The most important element, however, has been the new interest in education itself. Public education, as a result, has been dignified as a city wide interest and service to a degree never before experienced in the history of Longview.
Those concerned with the problems of instruction, in fact, all other jobs in education—should take their cue from management experts in industry in determining, as accurately and definitely as possible, the manner of performance of such Jobs. Society and the school may grope forward in much darkness unless investigations are made and procedures tested in the light of objectives or goals, both ultimate and specific. Industrial research laboratories are investigating methods of operation experimentally. Teachers may do the same, and the mode of performance is a problem for scientific investigation. In any field, the analysis of best current practices nay lead to the discovery of decided improvement in methods. The problem may be that of directing the study of a difficulty in word recognition, or it may be the recognition of number symbols. In any case, it is an instructional activity and with the application of scientific management, it is possible for teachers to be brought a trifle nearer to the attainment of that unattainable goal— the scientific perfection of teaching skill.
It is safe to assume that present day teachers desire to know not only the how, but also the why of their instructional activities. Teachers need more than an unsupported opinion or rule of thumb. Fundamental issues must be critically weighed in the light of quantitative evidence. Hence, shall be built up a critical background and scientific results relating to instructional matters.
As the child has increased in importance and has become the center of life of the school, the teacher must realize the full importance of the work she is doing and the needs of all her children. It is hoped that from a study of instructional problems confronting a primary teacher in the Long view Public Schools the education of a healthy, self-reliant, self-directing future citizen shall be well planned for each child enrolled.
Prairie View State College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Mosely, E. M. (1935). Instructional Problems Confronting the Primary Teacher in the Longview Public Schools. Retrieved from