An Investigation Of Negro Elementary Schools In The State Of Texas
This study has been made to present the present status of Negro elementary schools in Texas, especially in the rural areas, and the status of the teachers of these schools. The conditions of the present are compared with those of eight or ten years ago, and it is the aim of the write** to present a fair picture of the progress that has been made within these years. On the other hand, this study attempts to show the progress and improvements that are yet to be made in order to train a greater number of intelligent, wage-earning Negro citizens of Texas.
It is true that for the past two decades the greatest number of Negroes have migrated from the rural areas that history has recorded for any other time, yet, the fact remains that the majority still live in the rural areas. According to the census of 1950, more than two-thirds of the Negro race can be found in farming or non-farming rural areas. In fifteen Southern States, it was found 1 that of the 9,420,747 Negro population 67.4 percent were rural dwellers. In three of the States the percentages were as high as seventh -nine For the last fifteen or twenty years there has been a steady migration of Negroes from Texas to other sections of the United States as has been noted In other Southern States. There are several reasons for this migration, which has caused a problem of over-crowded living and working conditions in the cities where the group has moved.