Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Physical Education
The changes in our attitude conveyed with progression in social, cultural, and physical advancement in our society has influenced profoundly the education of our youth by making available better understanding and concern about their personal health. A sound body to the ancient Greeks meant that state of physical perfection of the athlete and warrior to be won through a rigorous program of physical training An Athenian boy who had not learned to swim, wrestle, use the bow and slang was not considered to be completely educated though he could read, write, figure, play the lyre, and use his mother tongue correctly. The requirements for graduation from high school in our country today do not include a demonstration of proficiency in any one or more sports, games, or gymnastic exercises. However, a student is not considered to be educated if he leaves school without knowing and using in his daily life the basis upon which the protection of his own health and that of his family and his neighbors depend. An educated person knows the basic facts concerning health and disease, works to improve his own health, and works to improve community health.
It has been pointed out that: The memory of old Hippocrates burning spices on the street corners of Athens in vain efforts to drive away the plague is a vivid reminder of the vast increase in the scientific knowledge which the boys and girls of today must assimilate and use in their daily lives in order to. reach the health objectives of modern education. Education seeks to narrow the gap between what is known and what is practiced. For an individual to achieve and maintain a reasonable level of health requires knowledge of himself self-how his systems and organs work; what must be done to maintain them. He should have a knowledge of nutrition and physiological process. He should know his community's resources for health and how they can be used. He should also have an appreciation of his role as a citizen of the community and his responsibility to support community health resources. The mere acquisition of knowledge is not enough, of course. The individual must develop favorable attitudes toward health, and he must be motivated to put into practice the knowledge he has gained.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Curtis A. Wood
Committee Member
Norman J. Johnson
Committee Member
Tommie J . Mercer
Committee Member
Mabell K. Sauls
Committee Member
Lillie B. Ransom
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Mays, N. D. (1964). A Comparative Study Of Acquisition And Application Of Health Knowledge Of Secondary Students At O.L. Price School, Taylor, Texas. Retrieved from